The Company Five Steps®

When we do something from our heart intelligence, it happens effortlessly and we enjoy doing it!

  • How much effortlessness and joy is there in your life today?
  • Are you often stressed, have no time or do things under pressure?
  • Or does pressure motivate you and your thoughts are full of “I have to…/ we have to…?
  • Are you so impatient that you sometimes fly off the handle?
  • Or do you function more than you enjoy your life and work?
  • … and much more.

If you said yes to these or if it is similar for you, then your deeper needs haven’t had a high priority in your life until now. To acknowledge and fulfill your deeper needs is what brings change in your personal life and your relationships as well as new possibilities also in your working  area.

Five Steps® works with people who would like to attain extraordinary results in all areas of their life, relationship wise, financially, spiritually. People who are willing to listen not only to their intellect but also want to develop and use competencies on an emotional, social and intuitive level of intelligence. To build strong levels of relatedness you need to be able to shift any moment between head, heart and so called belly resources. Consciousness and agility are prerequisites for valuable results.

The work of Five Steps® is for all those who would like to go beyond their old limitations and develop new possibilities, who are ready to take full responsibility for the creation of their own personal and professional success.

We are looking forward to meet you in one of our open programs, Trainings or a personal five steps process or contact us for our in-house programs:


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Great success demands courage, confidence and dertermination!

The success stories of the real movers of our times were not planned in advance.

It is rather the strong characters of individuals which drives our world. Values like courage, passion, integrity and self-confidence are virtues that often get lost because of outside influences in the development of an individual. The unfolding of one’s own possibilities can contribute enormously to any kind of success. Five Steps® supports people in developing their potential and giving free rein to their ideas. For it is that which makes people happy as individuals and successful in their careers!

The importance of developing clear opportunities is illustrated by some well-known examples: some of these individuals didn’t realize the treasure they were holding in their own hands.

  • Alexander Graham Bell thought he had just developed a better telegraph and wanted to sell this patent to Western Union – his patent of the telephone.
  • In 1943 Thomas Watson, the boss of IBM, was asked: “What do you think, how many computers will be needed worldwide in the next years?” His answer: “Four or five”.
  • It is also hard to believe what happened to The Beatles in 1962. Their record label terminated their contract with the reason: “We do not believe that you will be a great success with this kind of music. Guitar bands are fading.”
  • In 1968 the American magazine “Business Week” made a prediction about the Japanese automobile industry: “There are already more than fifteen different foreign car brands on the market. There is no chance for the Japanese at all.”

These examples show how important it is to strengthen one’s belief in their own abilities and their own personal, powerful goals. For without this inner strength none of the entrepreneurs mentioned above would have succeeded in developing a market for their ideas nor would any of them have really become successful. Five Steps® has set a clear goal for itself: supporting motivated people and teams to awaken their “inner power” thus setting free new potential!