Inhouse Coaching Training
In-house coaches create connection and integrate potential
To achieve more, you have to keep setting your goals a little higher than you can imagine.
Dynamic organizations and companies which want to meet the needs of today’s constantly changing markets and the need for more flexibility and faster response times, face the challenge of remaining true to themselves and, at the same time, continuously reinventing themselves. It’s not enough anymore to only move and change when absolute necessity and the pressure from external forces demand it.
Call for action
To keep a business fit and competitive, you need to use and integrate the abilities, potential ideas and the full commitment of every employee. It needs attentiveness and sensitivity which go beyond a yearly employee evaluation meeting. Here it often needs someone to act as a link between all levels of hierarchy and who understands how to open a space for solutions and creativity.
This is where Change Agents come in! Change Agents need a fundamental understanding of how humans and systems function, in order to see problem situations from a 360 degree perspective and through their interventions achieve sustainable results – beyond a “quick fix”. When change processes have stalled it needs an essential ability to bring it back “in flow” and to recognize the needs of individuals, teams and projects in time.
Suitable candidates for a Change Agent training are from management, project and team leaders, as well as key positions in HR or “old hands” who would like to develop beyond their specialization.
Our understanding
Internal Change Agents are not only very useful in crises and times of change, to ensure that emotions and activities continue to move towards the desired outcome. But even more, they are an important part of a modern business culture and represent – visible from the outside – which represent the values and vision of the company.
Our services
- Selection of suitable candidates.
- Establishment of Change Agents as strong leaders within the organization.
- Networking of the Change Agents with management and the corporate vision.
- Training in change and coaching competencies.
- Application of diagnostic tools and communication structures that achieve desired results.
- Crisis and opportunity interventions.
Sample projects and contact info
We would be happy to present examples of projects in a personal conversation. For an appointment please call +49 221 222 03 056 or send an email to pbagnpg@svir-fgrcf.qr.