Clients & References
Some of the companies we have accompanied, trained and coached over the last 20 years within our corporate program, are shown here with their logo. In the context of a planned cooperation with Five Steps®, we would be happy to provide you with references from appropriate companies who could provide you with information about the effect and sustainability of the work with Five Steps®, from the perspective of client and participant.
If you are planning to participate in one of our Academy Trainings there is naturally also the possibility of contacting previous participants who are active in your area of business or a similar field.
„What is is. What isn’t isn’t. Aja and Dirk affect me like a laser of directness. That which is, is what it’s about. Now. I think: If I had a problem, I would choose them. But in discussions with Aja and Dirk there is no space to slip into the trance of if… . Their presence goes beyond words. Their rootedness in Now creates the climate of the present. We don’t even need to talk about what if… That which is is.“
Karl Gamper in his book, “Everything has been said”, about Aja and Dirk.
Costumer Comments
Erika Graf (EADS Military Defense)
Head of HR, Manching Plant
"With Five Steps, I have learned to discover totally new possibilities for my life and my actions. I have a much better understanding of myself and my own potential and I can benefit from it actively. Through this, I have gained more self-confidence and have more fun in working together with others. This is a new, valuable dimension of satisfaction and happiness.“
Sonja Klopcic (Trimo d.d.)
Competence Development Manager Trimo d.d.
„After Trimo got the EFQM Award for Business Excellence in 2007, we started a new, even broader process of leadership development. We chose the Five Steps Team as partners in this process because of their unique method and good references. We made the right decision. Five Steps coaches are devoted to our common goal – the development of powerful leaders in the Trimo Group. We appreciate the possibility for each person to find his or her unique path on the way to reach the highest leadership level, to find the treasure in us, develop it further and give to ourselves and to our colleagues the best. By challenging ourselves, we make new experiences, knowledge and connections. We are exploring the richness of diversity and are aware of the deep importance of our values; invisible but strong network that connects us.“
Sabine Keuschen (Airbus)
Astrium, Head of HR 1997 - 2001
"With Astrium, we were a group of about 10 employees from different areas of the company who went through the Five Steps Process together. These employees were to receive special support for the implementation of change initiatives at Atrium. These included not only organizational change, but particularly, new business developments. All the employees were connected functionally through their tasks.
Geneviève Bühler (Eurocopter)
Personnel officer
"Coaching has opened my eyes about myself and the way I lead my life: I know much more now how I need to be so that 'it feels right': what is important and what has to be present in order to be motivated to advance in life. That is a total new enthusiasm for life. It’s much easier to realize projects. (more…)
Friedrich Führ (DESERTEC Foundation)
Co-founder and Director DESERTEC Foundation
"For a world with 10 billion people we need new ways of thinking and acting. New ways of thinking and acting are now available for everyone who wants it and is willing to embark on an exciting journey.
For this, Five Steps offers the space and the platform. And the people at Five Steps have the competence to lead and guide this work of developing consciousness.
"The size of the relationship determines the size of the success". This realization, more than any other from the work with Five Steps, has changed my perspective and ATTITUDE. To talk about things as they really are; to be open with people, allows relationship and to take the other seriously, perhaps at times more than they do themselves.
Jürgen Breitkopf (Kayser Threde GmbH)
"For me as a leader, it is impressive to experience the competence of the Five Steps trainer. This expresses itself not only in the teaching of “useful tools“ but above all, by creating an exciting and surprising world of adventures where learning takes place. I was also personally fascinated by how clear a decision is when space of competence, respect for the individual and order in the system, is created.“
Peter Marr (König & Bauer AG)
VMember of the Board - Production (to 2004)
"With Five Steps, KBA has found a partner that methodically takes the leadership team through a developmental process with a clear concept. The success of the development process is based on the symbiosis of empowering the cultural and historical elements of our business culture and the demands on the leaders from our clients and the market. (more…)
Carlo Wolf (Cisco Systems)
Vice President, Alpine Region
"The work with Five Steps has, in the last few years, played a considerable part in how I work together with my employees. It has also helped me to better understand the importance of the human relationships as a condition for success. Since then I have continued to build on your work in order to come together more closely with my teams and to influence how they deal with their employees and colleagues. Overall I can say that the work with Five Steps has had a very positive impact on our team spirit and on the results the teams have achieved.“
Kathrin Robisch (Louis Vuitton Deutschland GmbH)
"I have experienced many trainings but never such a depth in the process.
The clear direction you provided made it possible for me to trust and to take the difficult step towards change. I find the approach of not going through the past or future but through the Now, very interesting. Because life is happening now and now I can immediately take a different path than I did before. For me personally, it is good to have a coach who is provocative and this brings me out of my reserve. You make me cry, laugh and sweat. And when blood, sweat and tears are not a sign of quality, what then? For me the training is a big gift and inspiration."
Bernhard Kretschmer
Director, Digital Sales Operations at Cisco. Transforming sales by driving adoption of high value digital initiatives.
”Aja is a great leadership and life coach, driving and achieving significant transformations for her clients and client companies. I have worked with Aja over many years and have also recommended her to business partners and friends. Her work has always led to huge success and I'm very thankful to have the pleasure to know her and having worked with her.”
Clients Projects
Durchbruchsprojekt für die Verkürzung des Time-to-Market-Prozesses (Crash-Kurs).
Brüssel, Hamburg
Begleitung und Coaching eines Mergerprojekts und Kulturwandelprozesses.
Cisco Systems GmbH
Deutschland, Österreich, Hungriatics (Länder der Adriatischen Region und Ungarn)
Teamentwicklungsprozess mit der Geschäftsführung Deutschland. Teamentwicklung, Coaching und Leadership Development mit der Geschäftsführung Österreich. Einzelcoachingprozesse mit Führungskräften des oberen Managements. Ausbildung in Coachingkompetenzen für ausgewählte Mitarbeiter. Unterstützung der bereichsübergreifenden Gebiete Channel und Enterprise zur koordinierteren und optimierteren Zusammenarbeit. Teambuilding und Teamentwicklung in verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen und Projekten. Teamentwicklung Hungriatics (Länder der Adriatischen Region und Ungarn).
München, London, Boston
Train the Trainer Programm für unternehmensinterne Trainer.
Ausbildung in Coaching.
Five-Steps-Prozess für ausgewählte Trainer.
Design von HR-Kompetenzen.
EADS Astrium
Friedrichshafen, Ottobrunn bei München
Design und Durchführung eines zweijährigen Trainingsprogramms für firmeninterne Coaches zur Begleitung von Veränderungsprozessen.
Einzelcoaching-Prozesse mit Führungskräften der obersten Geschäftsebene.
Five Steps Prozess für ausgewählte Mitarbeiter.
Teambuilding und Teamentwicklung in verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen und Projekten.
EADS Deutschland GmbH
Konzeptentwicklung und Durchführung eines umfassenden Leadership Development Programms mit 50 Führungskräften.
Ausbildung, Training, Coaching und Supervision von firmeninternen Coaches seit 1996. Teambuilding-Prozesse und Coaching in den Leistungscentern, sowie in Projekt-Teams.
(more…)Escada AG
Langfristige Initiative zur Wandlung der Unternehmenskultur.
Begleitung von Umstrukturierungsprozessen.
Umsetzung von Kostenreduzierungsprojekten.
Entwicklung von internen Coaches zur Aufrechterhaltung der Dynamik des Veränderungsprozesses.
Einzel-Coaching-Prozesse und Supervisionen.
IZB Soft GmbH
Begleitung bei der Umsetzung von Business-Reengineering-Projekten in der IT-Abteilung einer deutschen Sparkasse, einschließlich eines Coach-the-Coaches-Programms.
Entwicklung von Projekt-Teams.
Übernahme von Einzel- und Team-Coaching.
Five Steps Prozess für ausgewählte Mitarbeiter.
König & Bauer AG
Konzeptentwicklung, Design und Durchführung eines umfassenden Leadership Development Programms mit ca. 100 Führungskräften des Bereichs Produktion.
Team- und Leadership Development Prozess auf der obersten Führungsebene, inklusive Vorstand.
Entwicklung des Bereichs Personal.
Begleitung und Coaching eines Mergerprojekts und Kulturwandelprozesses.
Nike Österreich
Entwicklung und Umsetzung unternehmensspezifischer Veränderungsstrategien in Zusammenarbeit mit den Leitern der österreichischen Niederlassung.
Trimo,d.d., Engineering and Production of Pre-fabricated Buildings
Führungskräfte Entwicklungsprogramm über 2 Jahre mit 52 Managern und High-Potentials der Trimo Group. Mit Großgruppenveranstaltungen, Lehrmodulen, Kleingruppensupervisionen und Einzelcoachings. Beginn September 2007.
Düsseldorf / Paris
Entwicklung des Einkaufsbereichs (hot rolled tubes) zur Optimierung der deutsch/französischen Zusammenarbeit im Hinblick auf herausfordernde Geschäftsziele.
Workshops und Training mit dem a) französischen Team und dem b) deutschen Team separat, sowie mit dem c) Gesamtteam.
Einzelcoaching mit allen Teilnehmern in der jeweiligen Muttersprache. Supervisionen.
Coaching in Klein- und Projektgruppen zu aktuellen Themen.
Workshops, Training und Coaching mit dem Führungsteam des Einkaufsbereichs.
Zühlke Engineering AG
Schlieren (Zürich), Schweiz
Entwicklung eines Leadership-Programms mit dem Ziel der einheitlichen Ausrichtung der Führungskräfte auf einen kontinuierlich sich wandelnden Markt.