Coaching Academy
Sustainability is possible through new ways of thinking and paradigm shift – the movement from mind to the heart
The next step in human development will take place in consciousness – this at least, is our premise. The level of our consciousness is reflected in our actions and in our attitude towards life. The human imprint and social conditioning seems to be so strong that it needs a conscious decision to step out of these limiting constructs.
Our society is imprinted with “reason” and those whose decisions are based on rational arguments are considered to be “reasonable”. In contrast, the mind-set of the heart is seen as being unreasonable, emotional and illogical.
The consequence is that stress and pressure at work is increasing and for many, the same is true for their leisure time. Burnout, dissatisfaction and a lack of innovation and sense of meaning are growing.
What we do from the heart, we enjoy doing and it feels easy!
Almost everyone has experienced this and yet almost everyday we overlook the logical consequence.
The modern individual can develop the ability to choose, to become conscious and with this attitude, through his actions, generate a new and unexpected reality – the life of the needs of the heart, with connectedness, partnership, creativity, recognition… fulfillment.
With our Coaching Training we specifically support this change in consciousness.
Through the Foundation Course, Advanced Course I and Advanced Course II we continue building with you, your competencies and round out the portfolio with seminars, the Five Steps® Process, individual coaching and supervision.
Five Steps® clients describe their challenges
before beginning the Five Steps® Coaching Training:
Satisfied clients who have completed
a Five Steps® Coaching Training have this to say:
How does Five Steps® Coaching lead to this results?